Vai in the Winter
Weather in Crete is not always sunny and warm. Winter in Crete is mild with relatively high temperatures at approximately 15C during the day.

Especially in areas like Vai, located at the eastern part of Crete, winter is even warmer with significantly less amount of rain in comparison to western Crete. The same difference in weather is noticed between Northern and Southern Crete as well.

At the picture above, as well as at the panoramic picture on the right, you can see Vai with its famous palm forest, and its beach one cloudy day of February.
Those who have visited Vai will notice that there are no umbrellas and sunbeds at the beach, while at its northern side there is a small lake created by the rain waters.
The day when the particular picture was shot, at the parking behind the palm forest there were 2 campers and their owners were enjoying the serenity and the calmness of the area.
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