Walk from Malia to Agios Nikolaos
Crete in 50 days: Day 1 from Malia to Agios Nikolaos

Distance 24.8 km
Hours 7
Burned calories 1253
Number of steps 27.352
The last day, before start, everything that could go wrong, went wrong…(Murphy’s law)…
I went to bed at about 00.30. Wake up at 07.00 and appointment at “The Haven” at 08.30 for the start… Lots of people were waiting for me and Gayner had a huge cake and coffee for everybody!

At 09.00 I started my walk around Crete, followed by friends and volunteers with their dogs. The Animal Mobile Clinic was also following me (PHOTO).
Christina, my partner, followed me with the sponsored car.
At the main road most of the volunteers and friends turned back. Geoff, Marilyn and Amanda joined me to the Monastery of Selinari (Agios Georgios). On the way I was joined by Alan, but Marilyn left.
Christina joined me at the monastery, where I had a short meditation and was blessed by a priest. We went on to Neapoli and I had the opportunity to talk to the mayor, a very friendly and understanding man, about the stray problem. After my walk he will invite us for a meeting, in order to see what can be done.
Gayner and Christina were waiting for me, together with Alan, who stayed with me until Limnes (old road). And..from Limnes (km 12) I was all by myself, after I said goodbye to Christina and my little dog Rea.
The road from Limnes to Xerokambos, heading towards Agios Nikolaos went trough olive groves and lots of flowering almond trees. Just pure nature…
As I walked on I could spot various flowers, such as orchids, irisses and fine herbs like “vaskomilo”, sage. I spotted on this road about 20 “barrel dogs”. These animals are supposed to “protect” a property, but tied on a chain, it is a bit difficult. I must say, although that all were well fed but only a few of them had water !
This road is really the rubbish trash of the province, I think, as loads of rubbish is dumped along the roadside and down the hills…Shame !
I reached finally, after 7 hours, the city of Agios Nikolaos where I called Ann Adamaki from the animal friends in Elounda. Ann took me to her appartments and I was offered a nice studio with all the facilities and a fantastic view on the bay of Elounda and the sunken city of Olous. Fabulous !
With Ann I talked about the stray problem in Elounda and area as well about Agios Nikolaos. She, and so many others are against a circus that performes every year in Agios Nikolaos.
Once she saw 9 lions in one wagon ! She gets no support from the city of Agios..but keeps on trying. On March 19 and 20 she will join a conference in Athens on this item (animals in circusses), organized by RSPCA.
I was invited for a nice meal in a traditional tavern and went to bed at about 11.00.
Looking forward to tomorrow !
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