Sandra and Pia, Two Danish tourists in Agia Marina, Crete
Hi Sandra, Hi Pia. Talk to us about yourselves.
Pia: We both come from Denmark and Sandra has been to Greece twelve times. I have only been three times.
Well, it looks like that you are particularly fond of Greece
Sandra: Yes, we like to visit Greece every year and we hope that we will be able to live for some time here too. (not sure exactly what she means by this answer especially in light of the next – maybe leave it as it is for authenticity)
Do you want to live in Crete or in some other place of Greece?
Pia: We like many places in Greece. We have been in many Greek islands and Athens and I think Athens is the place that we prefer to live. Crete is really nice too, as well as Mykonos and Paros.
Do you always stay in Agia Marina when you visit Crete? What other places in Crete do you like?
Sandra: We always stay in Hania area every time we visit Crete. We haven’t been around a lot but it is something we will definitely do when we will be in Greece permanently.
Have you ever been to Knossos or any places in the southern coast of Crete?
Sandra: No, neither of them.

Can you tell us something in Greek?
Pia: “Eimai kalo koritsi” (=I am a good girl).
Pia: She usually is able to say a lot in Greek. Especially late at night.
A couple of drinks always help…
Pia: Yes, they always do.
Won’t you tell us something more in Greek?
Pia: I know how to say “toothpick” in Greek but I need some help. Othonto..?
Okay, let me help you as it is a difficult word. “Othontoglyfida”
Pia: Oh yes, “othontoglyfida”. And “nosokomeio” (=hospital).
I don’t believe it. There are so many easier words but you know the most difficult.
Pia: We have been studying the Greek language for half a year in Denmark but I do not remember much of it now.
I think you are doing really well since you can already say “othontoglyfida”. Why do you want to live in Greece?
Sandra: I have been many times her and I love the place and the people. Greek people are nice and gentle. I would like to give it a try here.
Do you work in Denmark?
We will attend a school for Business this year. It lasts one year. We want to move to Greece afterwards.
So, it is possible that you will become businesswomen in Greece. Do you also plan to get married to a Greek man?
Pia: Yes!
Yes? Do you like Greek men so much?
Sandra: Why are you impressed?
There are so many cultural differences between Greek people and Danish people. Different customs and lifestyles but I am sure that these differences will be less in Athens where you plan to live.
Sandra: It is not necessary for him to be Greek. It is more likely to marry a Greek man if we live in Athens but someone from Spain or Italy will be fine too.
Pia: We are not especially fond of the blond Scandinavian type. Besides our own colors do not look too “Scandinavian”.
This is true. When I first saw you I didn’t expect to hear that you are Danish. What is your origin?
Pia: My mother is Thai.
Sandra: My father is Dutch and my mother is Spanish.
Explore Crete: Well, it all becomes clear now. Sandra and Pia, thanks a lot for this “interview” and I wish you success in moving to Greece soon. Have a nice vacation!
Sandra and Pia: Thanks. We are looking forward to seeing the interview on the Explore Crete site.
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