Walk from Makrigialos to Ierapetra
Walk around Crete in 50 days – Day 12 from Makrigialos to Ierapetra

Number of steps 35583
Burned Calories 1250
Distance 27.4 km
Walking hours 04 39′
Pulse at arrival 95
Weather: sunny, average 19C, some clouds in the afternoon
Woke up at 07.00 and the sunshine filled my room. Will be a lovely day. No wind and for sure 20C!
Breakfast at 08.00. Christina and Steve made me some tasty toast with eggs and (my favorite) mushrooms ! How did they know that ? A strong coffee and then Steve drove me to Makrigialos where I will start my walk from the point where I finished it yesterday, the Shell petrol station. I was about 09.00 Lots of activity in the village, and this on a Saturday. The walk will bring me all along the coastline.
Makrigialos is known for its Minoan and Roman Villa’s. Both about 2 km one from another. Won’t visit them because of the long walk. There must be a lot of humidity here in the night, everywhere I see blankets, carpets and matresses, drying in the sun..
Passing the first greenhouses now. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, aubergines and other vegetables are cultivated here. Near Ierapetra it will be much more.. This area is not so touristic so people make their living with vegetables. Passing a lot of supermarkets, appartments and hotels.. Many of them are for sale…
09.20 leaving Makrigialos behind me and entering Koutsouras. Everywhere I spot flowers, like gerarium, margarita, ibiscus (red and white) and many others. The view on Koufonissi island is fantastic. I taste a tomato: full of juice and tasteful red flesh. Many foreigners are working here.. It is now 18C and good to walk, the only problem is this dangerous main road…
The mountains give me a nice panorama, its like their are leaning against a superb blue sky. Some barrel dogs are spotted: chained but with food and water.
09.50 Crossing the Stavrochori river. Leaving Koutsouras, I can walk on a nice path, at a few meters from the still very calm Lybian Sea.
10.15 I am at the “Butterfly Gorge”. One can easily pass by as there are no significant signs.. Years ago I was here and everything was black, because of a huge fire. Now nature is very green and recovered very quick.. Powerful nature. I even saw some butterflies near the riverbed. Resting a bit and enjoying what I love the most, pure nature. It is 24C in the sun…
10.40 I spot the island of Chrissi, where I spent so many nice moments..
11.15 entering the village of Achlia with its lovely small beach in a superb bay.
11.30 passing Galini village leaving a very steep climb behind me. I am now at Agia Fotia, small quiet and peaceful. Only few houses resting in the green valley.
12.00 I reach Ferma and call Steve. He will walk with me for a few kms and show me the dirt road on the cliffs.. Superb road and away from the cars !
12.40 Steve leaves me, I fill my bottle on the community well and walk on. I am facing a long and lonely road now… Many times I have to jump in the olive yards, because of irresponsible drivers! Crazy, this road…
13.40 I am at Ostria Beach hotel, where I used to guide so many French tourists in a formal live. Good to see the place again. First houses of Ierapetra appear now and I decide to walk along the seaside, enjoying the noise of the breaking waves.. Neptunus and Poseidon must love me too ! Lots of rubbish on the beach, although it says that it has the Blue Flag.. I only see blue plastic in all kind of shapes. Anyway it distresses me from the still “flying cars’.
Entering Ierapetra I still think of the dozens of barrel dogs I found on my journey. In Ierapetra I am welcomed by Ella, from Mirtos. She will show me an internet cafe. My lips are a bit burned from the sun. Hopefully it will not be a problem to kiss all my fans, waiting for me….
I meet with Steve and Christina at 18.00. They drive me back to their home for overnight and a good meal. Tomorrow, Steve will bring me to the harbour of Ierapetra, where I’ll start my journey to Mirtos. Kalinichta !
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