Walk from Pitsidia to Timbaki
Walk around Crete in 50 days – Day 21 from Pitsidia to Timbaki

Number of steps 25286
Burned calories 990
Distance 19,2 km
Walking time 03h 41′
Pulse at arrival 90
Weather: Sunny, average 25C, cloudy at the end
I woke up at 07.30 and had breakfast with Eddy and Caroline in their peaceful house, close to the “platia” of Pitsidia. How many steps, folks ? Just have a look at www.charmingcrete.com
At 09.30 I met Bill and Dana, my American friend and his girlfriend. Bill is on Crete to research about the Cretan diet. He is dietist and will write a book about this item and teach American people to eat and cook more healty. I help him by bringing him in contact with local people. Dana is marine biologist and enjoying Crete very much. They will walk with me to Timbaki. Eddy and Caroline say goodbye, I will certainly see them back soon, and I drank my “elleniko sketto” and we left Pitsidia at 10.15
At 11.00 we were at the junction of Sivas and continue to Phaistos along the main (asphalt) road. 11.30 we reach the church of Apostole Paulus, built in the 10th century and the early christian baptistery, built in the 4th – 5th century. It is warm and there is no wind (26C).
12.30 Arrival at the Archeological site of Phaistos. Bill and Dana went for a visit, I waited for them, while chatting a bit with some tourist bus drivers, I knew from formal guidings the last couple of years. It was really nice to see Babis and Dimitris again. Still the same enjoyable men ! Only a few tourists at Phaistos, but the season has started ! At Phaistos there is an Italian Archeological School. They are still excavating and restoring.
12.55 We left Phaistos and turned left on a dirt road at 13.30, just before the main road. More quiet and no cars.. Perfect nature and we can’t resist to the fresh oranges ! Walking through the olive and orange fields we spot two barrel dogs and lots of locked up sheep around 14.00. The dogs have no food or water and are guarding locked up sheep !
14.50 We arrived at the mainroad and turn to the “Timbaki Military Airport”, where it is written “Taking pictures is “forbitten'” I take a picture, you’ll maybe understand why… A few km further we meet the main road Heraklion – Timbaki, but take a parallel dirt road.. Lucky.
15.00 Arrival at Timbaki and I call Yannis, my webmaster. We will meet him at the ‘platia’ (square) in Timbaki for a coffee and a good meal: anginares (artichokes), arni (lamb, not for me !), octapodi (octopus) and soupia (tint fish), at “Mimis” taverna by the town’s square. Real tasty food with very good red wine. I enjoyed very much Bill’s and Dana’s company and we, Yannis and me, drove them back to Pitsidia from where they’ll go back to their hotel in Matala. Tomorrow they fly back to the States. See you, guys ! And good luck with your book, Bill ! And thanks for the 40 Euro support ! Yannis brought me to my room in Kokkinos Pirgos, at his family’s summer house, near the harbor. Nice and warm…and a hot shower.
At 20.30 I met Angeliki, journalist from the “Apopsi tou Notou” newspaper, for an interview about my walk.. It will be published next Tuesday.
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