Day 19 in Lentas

Woke up at 08.00 in Lentas and had breakfast, together with Christina, at Petros’ cafenion. Petros is in fact Peter from Luxembourg. He has a bakery there in Lentas annex cafenion and is a very good cook ! The place to be !
Joel came at 10.00 and we had a long and interesting conversation. If there is anyone connected to nature, then it is Joel ! Amazing man..
No internet in Lentas… Joel tells me there is one internet cafe in Sivas.. We drive to Sivas, an old village with lots of old Venetian houses. Some of them are beautifully renovated. The owner of the internet cafe left this morning for a holiday in Germany… No internet again !
I gave up and decided to send my reports in Pitsidia and Timbaki, where I will, for sure be able to use the internet connection at Eddy’s and Caroline’s house, as well as at Yannis’ in Timbaki. Lets enjoy the day and rest my left foot and be ready for the next walks.
The road from Lentas to Sivas was marvelous. Ida mountain view, with the gracious Psiloritis in the middle. We left Sivas at 15.30 and had a nice dinner at Petros, (salmon) and some good local wine. My foot is much better and I feel no pain anymore.
Tomorrow, Christina will bring me to Kali Limenes, with the support car. Quiet night now in the peaceful place of Reiner and Christina (his wife)..Nice and good people, giving me the chance to rest a day in Lentas.
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