Walk from Platanias to Chania
Walk around Crete in 50 days – Day 39 from Platanias to Chania

Number of steps 15232
Burned calories 571
Distance 11,6 km
Hours walk 02h 07′
Pulse at arrival 93
Weather: Sunny, almost no wind, average 24C
Woke up at 07.00 Breakfast with Costoula (Boiled egg, french cheese, toast, marmalade, “Philadelfia”, coffee etc..) Just perfect and at the seaside.. Costoula showed me the plans of the new buildings they made at Nerokourou, as well as all the official papers of the foundation of Arch Noah Crete. Later I will visit their shelters, together with Regina and her husband, when I arrive in Chania. It would be good that the government supports such a good case.
Good temperature (20C) and no wind. Should this be the start of summer ? I left Costoula and her 9 dogs (I like Noah) at 08.30. Unfortunately, Noah escaped while I left Costoula’s property… Hopefully he’ll return..
At 09.15 I was walking on the main road and nothing else to see than hotels, apts for rent, tourist offices, rent a car, tavernas etc… Everywhere people are cleaning, repairing and building.. 23C now.
09.30 Walking along the seaside, still nothing to see, but at least I hear the relaxing sound of the foaming waves.
10.45 I am now close to the center of Chania and near the beach. There is a sign “Forbidden for dogs on the beach” Locals are running up and down, and walking their dogs …on the beach. The sign is placed by the “dimos Chania”. In the small fishing harbor, fishermen are fixing their nets. Plenty of activity here !
11.10 Arrival at Chania, at the old Venetian walls, separating the old city from the new one. Fantastic harbor, well protected and maintained. Lots of building and repairing work is going on.. Some “kamaki’s” try to get me in their taverna or restaurant for “brekfest”… I’ll call Regina and Hans..
11.30 They pick me up and we have a very nice (for me nr 2) breakfast at their cosy appartment in Chania (Nea Chora)..with fresh, and delicious grapefruit ! After that (at 14.00 because I used their internet connection for a while..) we drive to Nerokourou, the animal shelter of ArcheNoah. I meet Jessica, Nasima, Mike, Leonidas and Ederi working at the shelter and taking care of 170 dogs ! A huge job, which they do with lots of love.. The shelter is very professional, clean and perfectly equiped !
Regina, the secretary of ArcheNoah, tells me it has cost a lot of money, all donation money… No help from official authorities… They don’t pay rent for the land (owned by the government), so that’s a great help, but are awaiting for funds..to work better. Congratulations, Thomas, Stefan, Regina and others… Wonderful job. Keep up the good work.
At 16.00 Hans and Regina drive me to the house of Marianne, an ex-collegue of mine, where I shall stay for the night. We have a glass of wine in the garden. Hot shower for me and as Regina and Hans leave, I am driven to the cafenion “Cafe Vafe” to meet Debra, editor of the Cretan Journal. Debra owns the cafenion with a friend.. Nice, yellow and blue (my colors !) and very typical, situated at the “Plateia Vafe” in Nea Chora. Debra (in person !) makes me my elleniko sketto, diplo ! Later she serves me greek salad and a “vegi” burger.. What a great evening, realy enjoyed it. Thanks Deb, for the wonderful conversation..and the support in your newspaper..
At 21.30 I take a taxi, back to Marianne’s house and go into a quiet night.
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